কর্মজীবন কেন্দ্রের সময়: সোমবার-শুক্রবার, সকাল 8 টা-বিকাল 5টা


Be Counted Detroit 2020


Help us make sure every Detroiter is counted, no matter their age, income, type of residency or immigration status.

An accurate count of the population of Detroit is critical. The city’s population number determines how many lawmakers the city gets in Lansing and Washington, D.C., and how much federal funding the city receives for programs that serve Detroiters every day, from nutrition and housing assistance to roads and schools.

  • CENSUS IMPACTS EVERYONE: If you or your family rely on Medicaid, WIC, City Police and Fire, Special Education, School Lunches, or Workforce Training and Employment, the Census IMPACTS YOU. Each person not counted costs Detroit $5,000 in federal funding every year. Be Counted!
  • CENSUS IS CONFIDENTIAL: Your personal information is NOT shared with ANYONE for 72 years. No one can access your census info—NOT the government, NOT insurance companies, NOT Friend of the Court, NOT your landlord, NOT social services. Be Counted!
  • CENSUS COUNTS EVERYONE LIVING IN THE HOUSE: The Census is required to count everyone no matter their immigration status, income, or age. Kids, grandkids, non-relatives, roommates, new arrivals who are living in your house should be counted so that Detroit can access resources to support everyone in your family. Be Counted!
  • CENSUS IS EASY: 9 questions in 10 minutes or less ensures you’re counted and Detroit is funded correctly for 10 YEARS. These are easy basic questions, and you can answer your Census form online, by phone, or by mail in 12 different languages including English, Spanish, and Arabic. Be Counted! 
  • CENSUS COUNTS WHERE YOU LIVE:  The only address that matters to the Census is where you actually live—where you eat and sleep regularly—NOT the address on your license. If you live in Detroit, Be Counted as a Detroiter!

No Census code? No problem. View the flyer below to see how to complete your Census form online without a code:

You Can Still Fill Out The Census With No Code!